Welcome back to the fray after a hopefully enjoyable summer filled with friends, family and holidays. We have a busy upcoming fall season of events planned – including:
September 13 Upcoming Webinar: Lessons Learned Implementing Policy 0070
Dr Khaled El Emam discusses many of the questions have emerged in the wake of the European Medicines Agency Policy 0070. This webinar will include discussion around how to measure risk, what reporting should look like, what line listings are out of scope – among some of the topics. Register here.
September 14-16 Upcoming Trade Show: IAPP P.S.R.
We will in at the San Jose Convention Center with other privacy and security focused professionals. Make sure to stop by booth 64 to discuss privacy issues around sharing PHI for secondary use. For the actual event’s website, click here.
September 19-20 Upcoming De-identification Training: HITRUST
The second session of the HITRUST Data De-identification Methodology course, taught by Dr El Emam, offers an overarching tutorial of risk-based de-identification. HITRUST has developed a standard de-identification framework – this course goes more in depth. Visit the training site here.
October 24 Upcoming Symposium: Experiences and Methods in Sharing Clinical Trials Data
Join us, IMS Health, and the Electronic Health Information Laboratory for the first inaugural symposium for this is a one-day event! We have a great list of speakers taking shape already, including Dr Bradley Malin from Vanderbilt, David Handelsman from Project Data Sphere, and Dr Frank Rockhold from Duke. We expect the full agenda to come out mid-September. Book your ticket now.
October 25-26 Upcoming Course: The Anonymization of Clinical Trial Data
Following the symposium is a two-day methodology course focusing on clinical trials data sharing. This methodology course provides quantitative methods to objectively measure risk, as well as a well-defined and auditable approach for managing those risks. Its application in clinical trials is supported by case studies and discussions of specific data release mechanisms. Limited spots remain.
We look forward to a busy fall – hope you can be a part of it!
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